Data center is considered to be the backbone of banking and financial services because banks / financial institutions protect customer information in the operation of cloud and local data centers, trading floors, and branch offices. In additon,in order to avoid data leakage as well data transmission errors from bank branches to headquarters, the center and critical infrastructure must be reliable, secure and can be used to successfully deliver internal IT services and digital banking services.

In addition to taking up less space, the goal of banking customers is to provide high availability of information technology (IT) environments,improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Kstar Modular DC Solutions for Banking

The annual electricity bill of the bank is amazing and the quality of 

the local power grid is poor, leading to a failure of the banking system. 

In order to improve the bank's operating cost. 

They upgraded the data center with the KSTAR solution. 

Now the data center of the bank is running with high power density and

 low power consumption (PUE 1.3), thus save the bills ; 

What 's more, the data center realizes highly reliable power supply and 

qualified environment for the server running.

The products used in the project including:

Kstar's  All-in-one data center solution(IDU);

Kstar's high power density modular UPS system solution ;

Kstar's high quality cooling system for data center ;

Kstar's server cabinet  system ;

kstar solution benefits:

kstar data center benefit
